Become a public sponsor of the Zuiderparktheater

As an audience you can also make your contribution to the Zuiderparktheater!
Did you enjoy one of our free programs?
Do you want to help us get back on track financially after two years of the corona crisis?
Would you like to help us to appreciate our volunteers?
Many of our visitors tell us that they enjoy our programs, and appreciate our grounds and tell us how friendly our volunteers are. That's heart-warming! However with a donation you as an audience member become our sponsor. You then can support us directly!
Your donation gives us the space and ability to work on new programs in the future, to appreciate our volunteers and to improve our grounds. With this you not only help the Zuiderparktheater and the artists, but also the people behind the scenes who make the performances and concerts possible, such as technicians, volunteers, artist and self-employed people who work on behalf of the Zuiderparktheater.
How can you help the Zuiderparktheater? You can make a (one-time) donation for:
– New t-shirts, sweaters and jackets for our volunteers
– Game materials for our Children’s Holiday Park Program
– A new sound system
– Bedding goods to decorate our terrain
– Etc.
The Zuiderparktheater is a culturele ANBI. If you give us a donation, you can then deduct this from your tax return.
You may transfer this amount to account number: NL21 RABO 018 458 45 66 in the name of Stichting Zuiderparktheater.
Do you have questions about donating or sponsoring? Please contact Berend Dikkers, director.