Other than planned, Zuiderpark Theatre's 2020 season ended abruptly. Nevertheless, we as a team are incredibly proud that 48 performances have played according to RIVM rules!
We started as early as 1 June 2020 with the first Coronaproof festival Lucky Thirty. This was followed by great productions for young and old. There was the Hague Tour 'd Amour and Lockdown Live, both created during the lockdown to still bring culture. A closing concert of both took place in our theatre. For youth, several shows played with Miffy, Dirk Scheele and Hakim. Bands were able to swing the audience on our stage in the absence of a festival, Sjaak Bral took the Corona year by storm and during the Uitfestival we opened the gate wide for the neighbourhood. The Residentie Orkest played to sold-out stands.
Our own favourite highlight was, of course, our 5th anniversary where we turned out with a programme. As a team, we are very happy that we were able to let so many people (almost 4,000!) enjoy culture this summer, safely and outdoors. We obviously respect the Corona guidelines but would have loved to have finished our season. An uncertain time follows in the process because the postponement of the decision of our subsidy by the Municipality of The Hague means we do not know how the theatre can open in 2021. We will of course be happy to keep you informed. Stay healthy and see you soon! Team Zuiderparktheater.
Tip: Take a look back at all the photos by our in-house photographer Piet Vernimmen here!