ANBI data

The South Park Theatre is a cultural ANBI.

Henriëtte Roland Holstweg 100
2533 ST The Hague

RSIN/tax number

Chamber of Commerce number

Annual report / account 2023

Publication obligation Anbi

Zuiderpark Theatre Foundation

The foundation aims to:

  1. The operation of an open-air theatre in the Zuiderpark | The Hague, whereby the promotion of (amateur) art practice in the broadest sense of the word is paramount, as a public benefit organisation as referred to in Article 5b of the Algemene wet inzake rijksbelastingen (Dutch General Taxation Act) or any regulation replacing it
  2. Where possible, promoting cohesion, strengthening the theatre's neighbourhood function and/or establishing cross-connections between institutions and the residents of The Hague and neighbourhood residents in Escamp in particular through cultural and other activities.
  3. The foundation seeks to achieve its aim by, among other things: organising cultural, educational and recreational activities; organising, supporting developing and
    initiate any other events, activities and means that appear to be necessary, useful, conducive or desirable to achieve this goal.
  4. The foundation has no profit motive. The actual activity/activities of the foundation also show that the foundation serves the public interest and has no profit motive.

Board composition

Nachet Louchahi (chairman)
Wilma van Oostrom (treasurer)
Kjell Wagner (general board member)

Remuneration policy

The directors perform their duties unpaid.