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Circumstances - EXIT (6+) - ism. childcare 2Samen
Circumstances - EXIT (6+) - ism Kinderopvang 2Samen

Circumstances - EXIT (6+) - ism Kinderopvang 2Samen

22 Aug 2024

No everyone without me, no me without the other. In a large, impressive installation with a rotating wall and floating doors, four people move in and through space. They chase each other, walking, colliding, climbing, carrying and balancing. They come and leave, meet and leave, appear and disappear. As humans, we are always moving forward anyway. But what if you are always 'on the move' and can never get home anywhere? And do you move alone or as a group? In their quest for independence, they need each other more than ever. They keep each other in balance, but also unbalance each other. A flirtation with risk...

'EXIT' is an exciting, highly impressive and physical circus and dance performance. For this show, choreographer Piet Van Dycke invited four circus artists, each specialised in a different discipline (bascule, straps, trapeze and acro dance). The theme applies here too: four individual disciplines in one collective language.

This widely acclaimed and acclaimed performance to be seen at the South Park Theatre next summer!

*The beauty of 'EXIT' is that choreographer-director Piet Van Dycke and his performers know how to dose and time it cleverly. The tempo remains high, the rhythm remains tight, because they don't milk movement patterns, but just add fresh variations to them, and do so with witty flair and phlegm. Many a child I hear after the performance says, 'I want to be able to do that later too.' (Tuur Devens - Theaterkrant, badge 'Acclaimed' + winner children's jury prize Krokusfestival 2023) *

Age indication: 6+
Time indication: 40 minutes
Language No Problem

About Circumstances
Circumstances is the circus and dance company under the artistic direction of Piet Van Dycke. He graduated as a choreographer from the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg in 2018. Since then, he has worked as a dance and circus creator, performer, coach and teacher with various arts organisations. For instance, he has been active for several years with dOFt, fABULEUS, Cie Woest, TeaTime Company and LAP. He won the Jacques de Leeuw prize in 2018, was chosen as 'most promising creator' by reviewers Wendy Lubberding and Annette Embrechts in both 2019 and 2020, and won the BNG Bank Dance Prize 2021. Characteristic of Van Dycke's work is the fusion of dance and circus, resulting in wordless circus/dance performances, for both young and old.

Concept, choreography: Piet Van Dycke
Performers: Raff Pringuet, Benedikt Löffler, Harrison Claxton, Alejandro García Bustos Music: Bastiaan van Vuuren/Bastian Benjamin
Dramaturgy: Marie Peeters
Installation: Arjan Kruidhof and Arjen Schoneveld
Lighting design: Edwin van Steenbergen
Scenographic support: Menno Boerdam
Thanks to: Christopher Mc Auley, Luuk Brantjes, Samuel Rhyner and William Blenkin


This performance is brought to you in cooperation with Kinderopvang 2Samen. Kinderopvang 2Samen has an eye for society and the world in which children grow up. 2Samen can regularly be found at events that contribute to children's fun and development. Like the Zuiderparktheater! Childcare 2Samen has been working closely with the Holiday Park for years, so that every child can have an unforgettable summer holiday. 2Samen offers childcare, pre-school care, pre-school education and after-school care. With approximately 70 locations in The Hague, Naaldwijk and Monster, there is always suitable childcare in your area.

Info on ticket sales:
Ticket purchase is required for this performance. Children must be accompanied by (grand)parent/guardian. Groups 10+ such as BSOs contact via info@zuiderparktheater.nl..

HOLIDAYPAS: 2 euros discount per ticket. Select ticket type HOLIDAYPAS. Holiday passport(booklet) per child must be shown/stamped at gate. Parent/guardian order normal ticket.

OOIEVAARSPAS: Use ticket type Stork Pass per child/parent/guide. Showing pass at gate is mandatory.
CHILDREN 4+ / PARENTS/MEMBERS: Regular rate applies
Disabled persons/wheelchairs and attendants can purchase a ticket type 'wheelchair'. Limited availability.

Part of Zuiderpark Holiday Park
Between Monday 15 July to Thursday 22 August 2024

For the ultimate holiday feeling, there will be six weeks on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Thursday throughout the summer holidays an ever-changing (free) programme at the Zuiderpark Theatre. The grounds transform into a festival area with children's craft garden, coffee bar, park library, shows and unexpected performances. For the daily schedule, go to https://www.zuiderparktheater.nl/vakantiepark.

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Thursday 22 August
14:00 - 14:50
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The Hague,