Do you want the South Park Theatre to stay open in 2021? Sign the petition!
No later than Wednesday, September 23, by 4pm!
Next Thursday is an exciting day for our team and volunteers. That day, the decision will be made on whether we can continue to exist in 2021. The advisory committee for the 2021-2024 Arts Plan has given a negative opinion on our grant application. This advice has been adopted by the College of B&W. This means that, as things stand, we will not receive our subsidy from 1 January next and our organisation cannot continue to exist. The Hague City Council will take a final decision on Thursday.
Especially at this time, having an open-air theatre in the city has shown its added value. This summer, we allowed many visitors to enjoy culture safely outdoors with a diverse programme. From classical music to metal, from dance to youth theatre. Especially in the open air, Hagenaren can see different than different programmes. Moreover, the theatre opens the gate in the summer months when many other theatres close their doors.
South Park Theatre is also a meeting place for some 40 volunteers and springboard for many to better job opportunities. Five years of investment have been made by the current team to get to the level where we are today. This should not just disappear! Are you supporting us? Sign the petition! Every signature counts!