Cool installations: Snack Clock, Studio Cité and Self Spot

Cool installations: Snack Clock, Studio Cité and Self Spot

Insane, absurd and interactive installations alternate again!

During the Holiday Park, there are always changing, (too) crazy installations! This summer we present the Snack Gelok and two interactive art installations: Studio Cité and Self Spot! Ultimate relaxation and discovery in an artistic setting.

Crawl into a life-size potato chip tray at Snack gelok and listen to a musical compilation of audio clips in which people share their urge to consume and the happiness they find in it. From the potato chip tray, you 'snack' on their stories.

Be enchanted in Studio Cité, where creator Benjamin Vandewalle plays with perspective. Explore the playground for the human gaze with seven insane art installations, such as Peri-sphere XL, Micro-Sphere and Inter-face. These installations play with perspectives and mirror images and invite you to create your own experiences.

Benjamin Vandewalle - Art installation: Studio Cité (interactive)

Finally, the art installation in collaboration with Stork Pass. With "Self Spot" by Marieke van der Burg bring a shadow world to life. Play with light and shadow and break a taboo and be surprised by this interactive art installation.

Marieke van der Burg - Art installation: Self Spot (interactive) ism Stork Pass

Mon 15 July to Thu 25 July: Snack gelok - Tryater
Tue 30 July to Thu 01 Aug: Studio Cité - Benjamin Vandewalle
Tue 13 Aug to Thu 15 Aug: Self Spot ism Ooievaarspas - Marieke van der Burg