Over 700 children from The Hague celebrate start of summer holidays together

Over 700 children from The Hague celebrate start of summer holidays together

Today was the first real summer holiday in The Hague. Vakantiepas and Zuiderparktheater celebrated with over 700 children from The Hague on the theatre island. There was an official kick-off, Drumdrumdrum performed for free with the performance Banwakaboom and there was a Caribbean disco with DJ Funky Fran. The first Holiday Post for Hague grandparents of Florence Zorggroep was also made and handed over that day.

Holiday park

Not every Hague child has the opportunity to go on summer holidays. Yet for every Hague child, the six weeks off from school starts. The Zuiderpark Theatre will host 'Holiday Park' for the next six weeks. Like last year, the theatre island will be open three days a week free of charge for a daily changing programme of sports, games, art and culture. During the summer, Zuiderparktheater collaborates with the Vakantiepas. The passport for Hague schoolchildren to go on a journey of discovery in their own city.

Holiday post for Hague grandparents

In cooperation with the Holiday Pass, we are making postcards for senior citizens of The Hague at the Zuiderparktheater throughout the summer. Grandpas and grandmas of sometimes up to 90 who don't get many visitors during the summer holidays and would really like to receive a nice postcard. We ask children to draw, colour, decorate and describe the pre-printed postcards. It will be posted in a special mailbox. We will deliver them to senior citizens living in Florence residential care centres in The Hague. The first card was handed over on Monday, 11 July.